Posted 03 September 2008, 10:51 am NDT
In June 2004, skeletal remains eroded out of a sand bank on Mulligan Island, discovered by local resident, Hector Baikie. After a police investigation determined these remains were of an older origin, Sivunivut Corporation and the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism of the Nunatsiavut Government agreed that DNA testing should be done on the bones to determine if these remains were those of an Inuit couple that had died of sickness in the early 1900's. After DNA samples were taken...
Posted 05 August 2008, 3:54 pm NDT
In February 2008, the Board of Directors passed a resolution to change the name of the Corporation to Sivunivut Inuit Community Corporation Inc. This began the process of officially changing it's name. In the April 2008 sitting of the Nunatsiavut Assembly, First Minister Tony Andersen, brought forth the motion of the name change, seconded by the Chairperson Ed Tuttauk. The motion was accepted by the Assembly, officially changing the name of the corporation to Sivunivut Inuit Community Corporation Inc.
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